(原始内容存档于2009-08-13). VietnamVeteransMemorial. National Park Service. [March 31, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-03). Washington Monument. National Park Service. [March
(PDF)存档于2013-02-22). Lou Hoffman. History: Korean War. The New Mexico Veterans' Memorial, Museum, & Conference Center. City of Albuquerque. [2013-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-27)
Guard)負責,隸屬於南非國防軍。禮儀衛隊負責南非总统、南非副總統、南非国防部长(英语:Minister of Defence and Military Veterans)和南非國防軍總司令(英语:Chief of the South African National Defence Force)的禮儀職責。
declined to hear a case related to the Constitutionality of the Vietnam War Baird v. State Bar of Arizona 401(英语:List of United States Supreme Court cases