紐約地鐵(英語:NewYork City Subway)是美國紐約市擁有的地鐵系統,租予紐約市公共運輸局,該局是州立大都會運輸署(MTA)的輔屬機構。紐約地鐵在1904年通車,是世界上較早的公共交通系統之一,較多人使用的地鐵系統之一,亦是世界上最多車站的地鐵系統。紐約地鐵每日提供24小時服務,但部分路線在指定時間會停止運行。
for the corresponding term fill. Herbert L. Nichols, Jr., and David A. Day, P.E., Moving the Earth: The Workbook of Excavation, 5th ed. (NewYork: McGraw-Hill
mayoralties cut short by death in office. (When the same man served more than one continuous term, his name is lightly shaded purely for clarity, but the tints
(原始内容存档于2015-05-18). Bach, Steven. Final Cut. NewYork: Morrow, 1985. Balio, Tino. United Artists: The Company Built by the Stars. Madison: University of Wisconsin