the Amiga computer in 1992 Alice (programming language), a functional programming language designed by the Programming Systems Lab at Saarland University
LibreSSL是從OpenSSL分叉出來。 MariaDB是從MySQL分叉出來。 OpenBSD has started a massive strip-down and cleanup of OpenSSL. OpenBSD journal. 2014-04-15 [2015-08-22]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-01)
dirty, let's get as dirty as possible.. */ strip_comma = strrchr(serviceFlagsText, ','); if (strip_comma) *strip_comma = '\0'; return (serviceFlagsText); (2006-10-31). Retrieved on 2013-07-29. Sorrel, Charlie. How To Strip DRM from Kindle E-Books and Others. [4 August 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-19)