Champion (1949) Bedlam (1946) Isle of the Dead (1945) Youth Runs Wild (1944) The SeventhVictim (1943) The Ghost Ship (1943) 麥克·洛遜在互联网电影资料库(IMDb)上的資料(英文)
again for sinkhole victim as mayor declares Kuala Lumpur 'safe'. Sinkhole: SAR Operation Enters Seventh Day Today. www.bernama
的参与性,最高奖为“马可·奥勒留”金奖(Marcus Aurelius,羅馬帝國五賢帝時代最後一個皇帝)。 2006: Playing the Victim BY Kirill Serebrennikov 2007: 《朱诺》(美国)/Juno BY Jason Reitman 2008: Opium
89–123. doi:10.1080/00497878.1997.9979152. Dopp, Jamie. Subject-Position as Victim-Position in The Handmaid's Tale. Studies in Canadian Literature. 1994, 19