правда. [2023-03-13]. 'It's Even Worse Than Before': How The 'RevolutionOfDignity' Failed LGBT Ukrainians. 自由欧洲电台/自由电台. 2018-11-21 (英语). Shortly before
the RevolutionofDignity (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Open Political Science, 2020; 3: 183–191, p. 186. doi:10.1515/openps-2020-0015 CEC counts 100 percent of vote
Declaration of Human Rights, Preamble: Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family
2014年1月和2月,基辅的抗议者与金鵰特種部隊爆发流血冲突,导致108名抗议者和13名警察死亡(英语:List of people killed during the RevolutionofDignity),多人受伤。1月19日至22日,一批抗议者在格鲁舍夫斯基大街与警察发生的激烈冲突中被杀。此后,抗议
obronie życia i ludzkiej godności (Mauthausen-Gusen: in defence of life and human dignity). Warsaw: Bellona. 2000. ISBN 83-11-09048-3. Mang, Thomas. Gestapo-Leitstelle