Dead》和《Dear Darkness》,都在美国文坛上有不俗的表现。近年来所获荣誉包括佩特森(Patterson)诗歌奖(2007)、奎爾獎(QuillAward,2007)以及美國藝術家協會(英语:United States Artists)颁发的會士獎(2009)等等。 Kevin Young,
winners. The Hamilton Spectator. 9 March 1992 [23 December 2011]. [失效連結] Quill, Greg. The Geminis: Bet on Due South, in a class by itself. Toronto Star
[September 2, 2008]. (原始内容存档于2008年5月1日). UWSP lecturer honored at 2007 Quill Awards (新闻稿). University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point. October 26, 2007 [September
玛丽·格兰德普里(Mary GrandPré):插画家,以其为美版哈利波特作插画闻名。曾获凯迪克奖, QuillAward for Children's chapter book/middle grade 和 QuillAward for Book of the year。 西奥多·豪普(Theodore
Campanelli执导,于2017多伦多国际电影节上首映。 Richard Wagamese wins Burt Award for First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Literature, Quill and Quire. 2017-03-28 [2018-11-21]. 原始内容存档于2017-03-28