theHolyRomanEmpire as Idea and Reality, 1763-1806, Indiana University Press, 1980, p. 12-13 Gagliardo, p. 13 Hillay Zmora, "The Formation ofthe Imperial
Henderson: Prince Eugen of Savoy, 9 Heer: TheHolyRomanEmpire, 228. Heer states Eugene's departure date was 21 July. MacMunn: Prince Eugene: Twin Marshal
(原始内容存档于2021-01-05). TheHolyRomanEmpire. [2019-07-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-12). Austro-Hungarian Empire k.u.k. Monarchy dual-monarchic Habsburg Emperors of Austria
為法爾內塞及坎帕尼亞諾親王及阿里恰公爵並於1712年被任命為世襲職位神聖羅馬教會及祕密會議元帥(英语:Marshal oftheHolyRoman Church and the Sacred Conclave),也因為不斷地擴張家族勢力,基吉家族從17世紀下半葉到19世紀中葉,一直都是教宗國的前五大地主。