多洗手、罗马士兵让耶稣背十字架。四根粉红色大理石柱子支持着天花板。墙上有许多壁柱, 微型的科林斯柱式支持着祭台。 John 19:13 PierreBenoit, The Archaeological Reconstruction of the Antonia Fortress, in Jerusalem
72″E / 31.7805361°N 35.2343667°E / 31.7805361; 35.2343667 John 19:13 PierreBenoit, The Archaeological Reconstruction of the Antonia Fortress, in Jerusalem
13, pp.1570-1571, Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, 1972 约翰福音 19:13 PierreBenoit, The Archaeological Reconstruction of the Antonia Fortress, in Jerusalem
发掘,现在知道,这个拱门是由哈德良兴建的三个拱门之一,是一个广场的东部入口,这个广场在耶稣时代是一个大型露天水池。 John 19.5 PierreBenoit, The Antonia of Herod the Great, and the East Forum of Aelia Capitolina