States National Agricultural Library,簡稱:NAL),位於馬里蘭州貝爾茨維爾,隸屬於美國農業部,是世界最大的農業研究圖書館之一,亦是美國5所國家圖書館之一(其他4所為國會圖書館、國家醫學圖書館、國家交通圖書館(英语:NationalTransportation Library)和國立教育圖書館)。
1960–1990. Research and Innovative Technology Administration NationalTransportationLibrary. Federal Highway Administration(英语:Federal Highway Administration)
ISBN 9780738535760. Central Transportation Planning Staff. The Transportation Plan for the Boston Region - Volume 2. NationalTransportationLibrary. 1993-11-15 [2012-07-03]
Archive. Central Transportation Planning Staff. The Transportation Plan for the Boston Region - Volume 2. NationalTransportationLibrary. 15 November 1993
ISBN 9780738535760. Central Transportation Planning Staff. The Transportation Plan for the Boston Region - Volume 2. NationalTransportationLibrary. 15 November 1993