了重要作用。参加此次起义的革命者后来参与了1917年的十月革命。 莫斯科布尔什维克起义(英语:MoscowBolshevikUprising) Revolutionary history. Moscow. aha.ru. [2019-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-11). October
Underground Bolshevik organizations worked actively in all parts of the country, preparing the people for a general uprising. In May 1920 the uprising broke
[2021-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-15). Anastas Mikoyan. Так было (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Moscow: Vagrius, 1999; Ch. 2. 6,000 regulars Lisa Smedman. Dunsterforce. Vancouver
Assassination of Count Mirbach and the "July Uprising" of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries in Moscow, 1918. Russian Review. 1991-07, 50 (3): 324 [2022-01-15]