25, 2015]. (原始内容存档于January 25, 2015). ...in a case of life imitating art, the rising star married actress Rocky Parker when he was 21 and she was 48. (The
You're in the Navy Now (1951) (uncredited film debut) Hangman's Knot (1952) 《未婚伉儷》We're Not Married (1952) The Big Heat (1953) Gun Fury (1953) 《美國飛車黨》The
《泡妞專家》(1987年) 《情人保鑣(英语:Someone to Watch Over Me (film))》(1987年) 《真愛考驗(英语:For Keeps (film))》(1988年) 《烏龍密探擺黑幫(英语:Married to the Mob)》(1988年) 《愛情獵殺者(英语:Fresh Horses)》(1988年)