擔任輔政司(布政司)期間,何才身兼千里達及托巴哥行政局和立法局(英语:LegislativeCouncilofTrinidadandTobago)的官守議員,並在時任千里達及托巴哥總督(英语:List of Governors ofTrinidadandTobago)德華·比瑟姆爵士(英语:Edward
国务卿直屬机构 情報研究局(英语:Bureau of Intelligence and Research) 立法事務局(英语:Bureau ofLegislative Affairs) 法律顧問室(英语:Legal Adviser of the Department of State) 管理副国务卿直屬机构
(斯洛文尼亚语). Opinions differ, however the majority of domestic experts agree that the National Council may be regarded as the upper house, but the bicameralism
|url-status=和|dead-url=只需其一 (帮助) Okhovat, Sahar. The United Nations Security Council: Its Veto Power and Its Reform (PDF). Sydney.edu.au. [2015-11-08]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-08-29)