(PDF). [2014-01-22]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-11-06). McCarthy, Justin(英语:JustinMcCarthy (Americanhistorian)), "Palestine's Population During The Ottoman And
University)的教授希斯·W·洛瑞(英语:Heath W. Lowry)和路易斯維爾大學歷史教授賈斯丁·麥卡錫(英语:JustinMcCarthy (Americanhistorian))否認這種指責,並為土耳其官方立場辯護,爲此,他們兩個人的觀點遭到了有關方面的廣氾抨擊,其中2013年11月計劃
falsehoods littered throughout the film. Sarson, Steven. Barack Obama: AmericanHistorian. History News Network (Columbian College of Arts and Sciences(英语:Columbian
predominant B genre in both the 1930s and, to a lesser degree, the 1940s. Film historian Jon Tuska has argued that "the 'B' product of the Thirties—the Universal