Land": Letters and Relations from Tibet by the Jesuit Missionary António de Andrade (1580-1634). Sources for the History of Jesuit Missions 4. 由Michael
(原始内容存档于2024-04-04) R. G. Thwaites (Ed.): The JesuitRelations and Allied Documents - Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France 1610–1791
ISBN 978-1-84511-745-0 (英语). Matthee, Rudi. Poverty and Perseverance: The Jesuit Mission of Isfahan and Shamakhi in Late Safavid Iran. Al-Qanṭara. 2015,
耶穌會東亞5大學(Global Leadership Program for 5 Jesuit Universities in East Asia) 國際耶穌會商學院協會(International Association of Jesuit Business Schools, IAJBS) 國際天主教大學聯盟