成员变量instance of this variable will be created for each new instance of Foo. The lifespan of this variable is equal to the lifespan of "this" instance of Foo */ int
惰性初始模式class end b = Blogger.new b.instance_variable_get(:@auth_token) # returns nil b.auth_token # returns token b.instance_variable_get(:@auth_token) # returns
构造器input) { data = input; // This is an assignment } // Declaration of instance variable(s). private int data; } // Code somewhere else // Instantiating an
JSPserverInstanceVariable = 1; %> 一种是脚本标签,在JAVA SERVLET的类的_jspService()方法中放入所包含的语句。 <% int localStackBasedVariable = 1; out.println(localStackBasedVariable);
元类Instance variable),Smalltalk-80为每个类C介入了它们自己的元类C class。就像实例方法实际上属于类一样,类方法实际上属于元类。在类中定义实例变量(英语:Instance variable)和类变量(英语:Class variable),而在元类中定义类实例变量。