苏德战争World War II ) 第二次世界大战史学(英语:Historiography of World War II ) 第二次世界大战概览列表 俄罗斯之战(英语:The Battle of Russia)——《我们为何而战》宣传电影系列中的一部影片 第二次世界大战的马匹(英语:Horses in World
战马Studies (IAES) The Society of the Military Horse Historic films showing horses in World War I at europeanfilmgateway.eu (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 国晶. 宋朝游历指南.
Phantom the "Phantom Division" Phantom aircraft, a reported incident during World War II in which a Kampfgeschwader 200(英语:Kampfgeschwader 200#Special missions)
锡耶纳赛马节third Palio, the "Palio of Peace", was held in 1945 by popular acclaim to celebrate the end of World War II and was won by Gioacchino Calabro riding Rubacuori
貝爾謝巴戰役Rangers Yeomanry Regiment War Diary (7th Mounted Brigade). First World War Diaries AWM4, 9-10-1. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. October 1917 [17