31日,他的葬禮按照將軍級別葬禮的儀式隆重舉行,安葬在了邊和軍人墓地。 三等保國勳章(追授) 帶楊柳枝的英勇佩星(英语:GallantryCross (SouthVietnam)) Trần Cẩm Tường. Cố Chuẩn Tướng Lý Đức Quân & Những Người Lính
Republic of VietnamGallantryCross with Palm: 1 August 1966 - 31 August 1971. Until the last half of 1966 the tactical airlift organization in Vietnam remained
Trung. Nguyen Van Hinh. Tucker, Spencer C. (编). The encyclopedia of the Vietnam War : a political, social, and military history 2nd. ABC-CLIO. 2011: 839