喀布尔桂园酒店枪击案 after gunmen attack Kabul hotel. CNN. 2022-12-13 [2022-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-27). Five Chinese nationals were wounded in Kabul hotel attack - Chinese
2021年昆都士清真寺爆炸案 。法新社表示有46人死亡,143人受伤。 联合国谴责此次袭击。 At least 55 killed in Afghanistan mosque attack . Kabul , Afghanistan . The Express Tribune(英语:The Express Tribune). 2021-10-08
伊斯兰国呼罗珊省in suicide bombing outside Afghan top court in Kabul . 2017 -02-07. Militants Kill 6 ICRC Employees in Afghanistan . Voice of America. 2017 -02-08 [2017 -02-08]
2016年7月喀布尔爆炸袭击in Afghanistan . 美联社 通过 ABC新闻. 2016-07-23 [2016-07-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-24). Harooni, Mirwais. Islamic State claims responsibility for Kabul attack ,
2020年喀布爾大學襲擊事件storm Kabul University, killing 19 and wounding 22. 华盛顿邮报. 2020-11-02 [2020-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-02). Attack on Kabul University in Afghanistan's capital