European long distancepath) 函館新道、道央自動車道、名寄美深道路(日语:名寄美深道路)、音威子府繞道(日语:音威子府バイパス)、幌富繞道、豐富繞道的日本高速公路編號(日语:高速道路ナンバリング)。 马来西亚莎亚南大道的道路编号 泉州公交E5路 菲律宾北吕宋高速公路(英语:North
going from the vehicle's current position to a point on a path tangent to the vehicle's path. This load transfer presents itself in the form of body lean
turn either to the right or to the left, – follow either the path of Authority or the path of Liberty. Marx went one way; Warren and Proudhon the other