Records 簽下合約後,共於1994年發行四張單曲(Supersonic、Shakermaker、Live Forever; Cigarettes and Alcohol另於本張專輯後發行)。 1994年初,和Creation Records簽下合約的綠洲合唱團, 租下位於蒙茅斯鎮(Monmouth)的Monnow
Fields) 油桐花新娘(Paulownia Flower Bride) 阿嬤的五分仔車(Grandma's Handcar) 煙酒歌(Cigarettes And Alcohol) 十數文(Ten Character Poem) 默娘詩讚(Hymn To Lin Moniang) 我愛你(I Love You)
Wattenberg LW, Schuman LM. A case-control study of pancreatic cancer and cigarettes, alcohol, coffee and diet. American Journal of Public Health. August 1989
comparison of gender-linked population cancer risks between alcohol and tobacco: how many cigarettes are there in a bottle of wine?. BMC Public Health. 2019-03-28