red-brownhair of Nerdanel's kin,...」Maitimo是梅斯羅斯的昆雅語母名。 《中土世界的歷史》Vol.12《中土世界的民族》"The Shibbeloth of Feanor":「Carnistir 'red-face' - he was dark (brown) haired
Michelle. Gray Hair Myths and Facts. AOL Health. August 2009 [August 2009]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-06). A chart of hair colors A chart of popular hair colors along
1853年《肯塔基老家鄉(英语:My Old Kentucky Home)》 1854年《金发的珍妮姑娘(英语:Jeanie with the Light BrownHair)》《艰难日子不再来(英语:Hard Times Come Again No More)》 1859年《Gentle Annie》 1860年《老黑爵》