BMI獎(BMI Awards)是美國廣播音樂公司設立年度頒獎典禮。組織的各種類型的歌曲作者的年度頒獎典禮,以及對歌曲作者和出版商的表彰。 主流行音樂獎成立於1952年[1][2]。 參考 [1]Rich Podolsky, Don Kirshner: The Man with the Golden Ear, ISBN 1458471551, 2012. Quote: "For songwriters, a BMI Award was the near equivalent of an Oscar. BMI is the organization that keeps track of airplay, both radio and television, for music ..." [2]Billboard, 15 Oct 1977. Quote: "The breakfast concept lasted a few years, then the BMI Awards became the most prestigious event" 外部連結 BMI Awards(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)這是一篇與公司和企業相關的小作品。您可以透過編輯或修訂擴充其內容。閱論編Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.