Cull-Candy(英语:Stuart Cull-Candy) John Dainton(英语:John Dainton) Roger John Davis Anne Dell(英语:Anne Dell) David Dolphin(英语:David Dolphin) David Fowler Steve Furber(英语:Steve
Gammon)飾演泰迪·李(Teddy Lee) 迪恩·諾里斯飾演柯爾(Cole) 普魯特·泰勒·文斯(英语:Pruitt Taylor Vince)飾演李德博士(Dr. Reid) The Cell (2000). American Film Institute. [2020-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-25)
Perkins, Anne. A Very British Strike: 3–12 May 1926 (2008) Phillips, G A. The General Strike: The Politics of Industrial Conflict (1976) Reid, Alastair