infliction of mental distress) 誹謗(defamation) 目前,加拿大對侵犯私隱的侵權行為沒有統一的做法。卑詩省、緬尼吐巴省、紐芬蘭省及沙斯卡寸旺省訂定了法定侵權行為。安大略省已經承認存在侵犯私隱權(intrusion upon seclusion)。另一方面,卑詩省認為,根據普通法,該省不存在侵權行為。
University Press of Kentucky. : 73. ISBN 978-0-8131-2749-1 (英语). Woolley, Peter J. Geography and Japan's Strategic Choices: From Seclusion to Internationalization
University Press of Kentucky. 2001: 73. ISBN 0813127491. Woolley, Peter J. Geography and Japan's Strategic Choices: From Seclusion to Internationalization
University Press of Kentucky. 2001: 73. ISBN 0813127491. Woolley, Peter J. Geography and Japan's Strategic Choices: From Seclusion to Internationalization