雷蒙德·默里·謝弗(英語:Raymond Murray Schafer,1933年7月18日—2021年8月14日[1]),是一名加拿大作曲家作家、音樂教育家和環境論者。他最廣為人知的行動是「世界音景計劃」(World Soundscape Project),最著名的出版物是《世界的調音》(The Tuning of the World),又名《音景》(The Soundscape)。他是第一位朱爾斯-聖萊傑獎(Jules Léger Prize)的受領人,也曾獲得加拿大勳章(Order of Canada)。[2][3]

Quick Facts 雷蒙德·默里·謝弗Raymond Murray Schafer, 幕後 ...
Raymond Murray Schafer
音樂類型當代古典音樂, 歌劇, 音樂劇






在回憶錄《My Life on Earth and Elsewhere》中,謝弗描述了他1955年在油輪上做見習水手的生活。


1987年,謝弗被授予了第一屆格連-古爾德獎(Glenn Gould Prize)作為對他的貢獻的肯定。謝弗還兩次榮獲朱諾獎的年度最佳古典樂作曲,在2004年和2011年,獲獎作品分別是《String Quartet No.8》和《Duo for Violin and Piano》。[6][7]

2005年,加拿大藝術協會授予謝弗沃爾特-卡森獎,這是加拿大藝術家最高榮譽之一。[8] 2009年,謝弗還榮獲加拿大表演藝術界最高榮譽之加拿大總督表演藝術獎[9] 2013年,基於他在「當代音樂領域的國際聲譽和在聲音生態學領域的開創性貢獻」,他被授予雙重榮譽的加拿大勳章[10]



  • Job (Schafer et al., after the Biblical book of Job). 2011 (Kingston, Ont 2011). Chor (SATB), actors, et cetra. (Premieres 14, 15 May at 8:00 pm EST at Sydenham Street United Church英語Sydenham Street United Church, Kingston, Ontario.)
  • Jonah (Schafer et al., after the Biblical book of Jonah). 1979 (Maynooth, Ont 1979). Chor (SATB), actors, fl, clarinet, organ, percussion. Arcana 1980
  • Patria英語Patria (theatre) (1966—)[11]
    • Patria: The Prologue, The Princess of the Stars英語The Princess of the Stars
    • Patria 1: Wolfman
    • Patria 2: Requiems for the Party Girl
    • Patria 3: The Greatest Show
      • Adapted into the film Carnival of Shadows
    • Patria 4: The Black Theatre of Hermes Trismegistos
    • Patria 5: The Crown of Ariadne
    • Patria 6: Ra
    • Patria 7: Asterion英語Asterion
    • Patria 8: The Palace of the Cinnabar Phoenix[12]
    • Patria 9: The Enchanted Forest
    • Patria 10: The Spirit Garden
    • Patria: The Epilogue: And Wolf Shall Inherit the Moon
  • Job (Schafer et al., after the Biblical book of Job). 2011 (Kingston, Ont 2011). Chor (SATB), actors, et cetra. (Premieres 14, 15 May at 8:00 pm EST at Sydenham Street United Church英語Sydenham Street United Church, Kingston, Ontario.)
  • Jonah (Schafer et al., after the Biblical book of Jonah). 1979 (Maynooth, Ont 1979). Chor (SATB), actors, fl, clarinet, organ, percussion. Arcana 1980
  • Patria英語Patria (theatre) (1966—)[11]
    • Patria: The Prologue, The Princess of the Stars英語The Princess of the Stars
    • Patria 1: Wolfman
    • Patria 2: Requiems for the Party Girl
    • Patria 3: The Greatest Show
      • Adapted into the film Carnival of Shadows
    • Patria 4: The Black Theatre of Hermes Trismegistos
    • Patria 5: The Crown of Ariadne
    • Patria 6: Ra
    • Patria 7: Asterion英語Asterion
    • Patria 8: The Palace of the Cinnabar Phoenix[12]
    • Patria 9: The Enchanted Forest
    • Patria 10: The Spirit Garden
    • Patria: The Epilogue: And Wolf Shall Inherit the Moon


  • In Memoriam: Alberto Guerrero. 1959 (Vancouver 1962). Str orch. Arcana 1985. Centrediscs CMC-2887 (Vancouver Symphony Orchestra)
  • Partita for String Orchestra. 1961 (Hal 1963). Arcana. CBC SM-15 (CBC Vancouver Orchestra)
  • Canzoni for Prisoners. 1962 (Montreal 1963). Full orch. Ber 1977
  • Untitled Composition for Orchestra No.1. 1963 (Toronto 1966). Sm orch. Ber 1977
  • Untitled Composition for Orchestra No. 2. 1963. Full orch. Ber 1977
  • Statement in Blue. 1964 (Toronto 1965). Youth orch. BMIC 1966, UE 1971. 1970. Mel SMLP-4017 (Lawrence Park Collegiate O, J. McDougall conductor)
  • Son of Heldenleben. 1968 (Montreal 1968). Full orch, tape. UE 1976. RCI 387/Sel CC-15-101/5-ACM 3 (MSO)
  • No Longer than Ten (10) Minutes. 1970. Rev 1972 (Toronto 1971). Full orch. Ber 1977
  • East (meditations on a text from Ishna Upanishad). 1972 (Bath, England, 1973). Sm orch. UE 1977. RCI 434/5-ACM 3 (NACO)
  • North/White. 1973 (Vancouver 1973). Full orch, snowmobile. UE 1980
  • Train. 1976 (Toronto 1976). Youth orch. Ber 1977
  • Cortège. 1977(Ott 1977). Sm orch. UE 1981
  • Ko wo kiku ('Listen to the Incense'). 1985 (Kyoto 1985). Full orch. Arcana 1989
  • Dream Rainbow Dream Thunder. 1986 (Kingston 1986). Full orch. Arcana 1989. CBC SMCD-5101 (Esprit Orchestra)
  • Scorpius. 1990 (Toronto 1990). Orch. Arcana 1990
  • 交響中的獨唱或合唱
    • Minnelieder (various Medieval German poets). 1956 (chamber version), 1987 (orch version) (Quebec City 1987 orch version). Mezzo, woodwind quintet or mezzo, orch. Ber 1970 (chamber version), Arcana (rental, orch version, with one additional song 'Über den Linden,' text by Walter von der Vogelweider). (chamber version) RCI 218/RCA CCS-1012/5-ACM 3
    • Protest and Incarceration (East European poets). 1960 (Toronto 1967). Mezzo, orch. Ms
    • Brébeuf, cantata (Brébeuf, transl Schafer). 1961 (Toronto 1966). Bar, orch. Arcana 1981
    • Threnody (Japanese children). 1966, rev 1967 (Vancouver 1967). Choir, orch, tape. Ber 1970. 1970. Mel SMLP-4017 (Lawrence Park Collegiate O and Choir, J. Barron conductor)
    • Lustro. 1970-2 (CBC Toronto 1973). Comprising:
    • Part 1: Divan i Shams i Tabriz (Jalal al din Rumi). 1969, rev 1970. 6 solo voices, orch, tape. UE 1977
    • Part 2: Music for the Morning of the World (various). 1970. V, 4-track tape. UE 1973. 2-Mel SMLP-4035-6 (K. Terrell)
    • Part 3: Beyond the Great Gate of Light (Tagore). 1972. 6 solo voices, orch, tape. UE 1977
    • Arcana (Schafer, transl into Middle Egyptian hieroglyphs by D.B. Redford) 12 of the 14 songs (all but no. 9 and 12) appear in Patria 4. 1972 (Montreal 1973 orch version). V, orch (voice, chamber ensemble). Ms. UE 1977 (chamber version). RCI 434/5-ACM 3 (Morrison)
    • Adieu Robert Schumann (Clara Schumann, adapt Schafer). 1976. Alto, orch. UE 1980. CBC SM-364 (Forrester)
    • Hymn to Night (Novalis) from Patria 7. 1976. Sop, small orch, tape. UE 1981. CBC SM-364 (Turofsky, CBC Vancouver Orchestra)
    • The Garden of the Heart (The Thousand and One Nights). 1980 (Ottawa 1981). Alto, full orch. Arcana 1982
    • Concerto for Flute. 1984 (Montreal 1984). Fl, full orch. Arcana 1985
    • Letters from Mignon. 1987 (Calgary 1987). Mezzo, orch. Arcana 1989
    • Concerto for Harp. 1987 (Toronto 1988). Hp, full orch, tape. Arcana 1988
    • Concerto for Guitar. 1989 (Toronto 1990). Guit, small orch. Arcana 1989
    • The Darkly Splendid Earth: The Lonely Traveller. 1991 (Toronto 1991). Vn, full orch. Arcana
    • Gitanjali (Rabindranath Tagore). 1991 (Ott 1992). Sop, small orch. Arcana 1990
    • Accordion Concerto. 1993. Accordion, orch
    • Concerto for Viola and Orchestra. 1997. Viola, orch
    • The Falcon's Trumpet (Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra), 1996. Arcana.


  • Concerto for Harpsichord and Eight Wind Instruments. 1954 (Montreal 1959). Arcana 1990. RCI 193 (K. Jones harpsichord)/Centrediscs CMC-CD-3488 (Tilney harpsichord)
  • Sonatina for Flute and Harpsichord (or Piano) 1958. Ber 1976
  • Five Studies on Texts by Prudentius. 1962. Sop, 4 fl. BMIC 1965
  • 4 arias from Loving: The Geography of Eros (1963), and Air Ishtar, Modesty, Vanity (all 1965). Sop, chamber ensemble (Modesty), mezzo, chamber ensemble (Ishtar, Vanity, and Eros). Ber 1979
  • Requiems for the Party Girl (Schafer) from Patria 2. 1966. Mezzo, chamber ensemble. BMIC 1967. RCI 299/5-ACM 3 (Mailing mezzo, SMCQ)/Mel SMLP-4026 (Mailing, instr ensemble, Schafer conductor)/CRI SD-245 (Pilgrim soprano, Chicago U Contemporary Chamb Players, Shapey conductor)
  • Minimusic. 1967. Any comb of instr or voice. UE 1971, Ber 1972
  • String Quartet No. 1. 1970. UE 1973. RCI 353/Mel SMLP-4026 (Purcell String Quartet)/Concert Hall SMS-2902/Mel SMLP-4038/2-Centrediscs CMC-CD-39-4090 (Orford String Quartet英語Orford String Quartet)
  • Enchantress (Sappho). 1971. V, exotic fl, 8 violoncello. Ber 1978
  • String Quartet No. 2 ('Waves'). 1976. Ber 1978. Mel SMLP-4038/2-Centrediscs CMC-CD-39-4090 (Orford String Quartet英語Orford String Quartet)/RCI 476/5-ACM 3 (Purcell String Quartet)
  • The Crown of Ariadne, from Patria 3 and Patria 5. Ca 1979. Hp, percussion (by the harpist). Arcana 1980. Aquitaine MS-90570/Centrediscs CMC-CD-41-4292 (Loman)/Mark MC-20485 (Mario Falcao)
  • Music for Wilderness Lake. 1979. 12 trombone, small rural lake. Arcana 1981
  • Beauty and the Beast (Schafer, after de Beaumont) from Patria 3. 1979. Alto with masks, string quartet. Arcana 1983 (Eng text and French transl)
  • Wizard Oil and Indian Sagwa (Schafer) from Patria 3. 1980. Speaker, clarinet. Arcana 1982
  • String Quartet No. 3. 1981. Arcana 1983. 2-Centrediscs CMC-CD 39-4090 (Orford String Quartet)
  • Theseus. 1983. Hp, string quartet. Arcana 1988. Centrediscs CMC-CD-41-4292 (Loman)
  • Buskers (formerly Rounds), from Patria 3. 1985. Fl, violin, viola. Arcana
  • Le Cri de Merlin. 1987. Guit, tape. Arcana 1987. Chandos ABTD-1419/Chandos CHAN-8784 (CD) (Kraft)
  • String Quartet No. 4. 1989. Str quartet, soprano. Arcana 1989. 2-Centrediscs CMC-CD-39-4090 (Orford String Quartet, Wendy Humphreys)
  • String Quartet No. 5 ('Rosalind'). 1989. Arcana 1989. 2-Centrediscs CMC-CD-39-4090 (Orford String Quartet)
  • String Quartet No. 6 ('Parting Wild Horse's Mane'). 1993
  • String Quartet No. 7. Soprano and percussion. 1998
  • Four-Forty. String quartet, orch. 2000
  • String Quartet No. 8. Tape. 2001
  • String Quartet No. 9. 2005
  • String Quartet No. 10. 2005
  • String Quartet No. 11. 2006
  • Symphony No. 1 in C Minor[13]
  • String Quartet No. 12. 2012
  • String Quartet No. 13. 2015


  • Four Songs on Texts of Tagore. 1962. Sop, mezzo, alto, SA. Ms
  • Gita (Bhagavad Gita), from Patria 1. 1967. SATB, brass, tape. UE 1977
  • Epitaph for Moonlight (invented words by Grade 7 students), from Patria 5. 1968. SATB, bells (optional). BMIC 1969, UE 1971. CBC SM-274/5-ACM 3 (Festival Singers)/Mel SMLP-4017 (Lawrence Park Collegiate Choir, J. Barron conductor)/Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)/P3-C (cass) (Powell River Academy Singers, Don James dir)/World WRC-257 (University of Alberta Concert Choir, Larry Cook conductor)
  • From the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol) from Patria 2. 1968. Sop, SATB, alto fl, clarinet, tape. UE 1973
  • Two Anthems (formerly Yeow and Pax ) (Isaiah). 1969. SATB, organ, tape. Ber 1980
  • In Search of Zoroaster (Sacred Books of the East英語Sacred Books of the East). 1971. Male voice, SATB (at least 150 voices), percussion, organ (tape). Ber 1976
  • Miniwanka or the Moments of Water (North American Indian dialects). 1971. SA (SATB). UE 1973. RCI 434 (Vancouver Bach Choir)/Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)/ARU 8701-CD (F.A.C.E. Senior Treble Choir, Iwan Edwards, dir)/Centrediscs CMC-2285 (Toronto Children's Chor)/Imperial unnumbered (Powell River Boys' Choir, James dir)
  • Psalm (formerly Tehillah), from Apocalypsis (Psalm 148). 1972, rev 1976. Mixed chorus, percussion. Ber 1976. RCI 434 (Vancouver Bach Choir)
  • Credo (Giordano Bruno, adpt by Schafer), from Apocalypsis. 1977. 12 choirs, tape, optional string and/or synthesizer. Arcana 1986
  • Felix's Girls (Henry Felix) from Patria 3. 1979. SATB quartet or choir. Arcana 1980. Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)
  • Gamelan (Balinese solmization syllables), from Patria 3. 1979. Quar or choir (SATB, SASA, TBTB). Arcana 1980. Grouse GR-100/Marquis MAR-106/Grouse 101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)
  • Sun (words for sun in 36 languages) from Princess of the Stars (Patria prologue). 1982. SATB. Arcana 1983. 2-Centrediscs CMC-14-1584/RCI 585 (Elmer Iseler Singers)/Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)
  • A Garden of Bells (Schafer et al.). 1983. SATB. Arcana 1984. Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)
  • Snowforms (Inuit words for 'snow'). 1981, rev 1983. SA. Arcana 1986. Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamber Choir)
  • The Star Princess and the Waterlilies (Schafer), from And Wolf Shall Inherit the Moon (Patria conclusion). 1984. Narr, children's chorus, light percussion. Arcana 1984. TCC TCC-D-004 (Toronto Children's Chor)
  • Fire (Schafer) from Patria 5. 1986. SATB, light percussion. Arcana 1986. Grouse GR-101-C (cass) (Vancouver Chamb Choir)
  • Magic Songs (Schafer). 1988. SATB (TTBB). Arcana 1988
  • The Death of the Buddha (Mahaperinibbana Sutta). 1989. Mixed chorus, gongs, bell tree. Arcana 1989
  • Vox Naturae, from De Rerum Natura. 1997
  • Apocalypsis, revised version 2015, Toronto Luminato Festival, June. Multiple choirs, dancers, actors, throat singer


  • Three Contemporaries (Schafer). 1956. Mezzo, piano. Ber 1974
  • Kinderlieder (traditional, Brecht). 1958. Sop, piano. Ber 1975. CBC SM-141 (Mailing mezzo)
  • La Testa d'Adriane (Schafer), from Patria 3. 1977. Sop, accordion. Arcana 1980/in R. Murray Schafer: A Collection. Mel SMLP-4034 (Morrison soprano)
  • Sun Father Sky Mother (Schafer) from And Wolf Shall Inherit the Moon (Patria conclusion). 1985. Solo voice in a mountain setting, near water and forest. Musical Canada
  • Tantrika (Sanskrit words from Tantric texts), from Patria 3. 1986. Mezzo, 4 percussion. 1986
  • Gitanjali (Rabindranath Tagore). 1991. Soprano, orch


  • Kaleidoscope. 1967. Multi-track tape
  • Okeanos (Hesiod, Homer, Melville, Pound, et al.). 1971. 4-track tape (composed with Bruce Davis, text compiled with Brian Fawcett)
  • Dream Passage (Schafer). 1969 (CBC radio 1969). Radio version of Patria 2: Requiems for the Party Girl. Mezzo, chamber ensemble, tape
  • Hear Me Out (Schafer) from Patria 3. 1979. 4 speaking voices. Arcana 1980
  • One movement for Ontario Variations. 1979. Pf, variations by Ontario composers, on a theme by Jack Behrens
  • Harbour Symphony. 1983. Fog horns. Ms. Portion of score printed in Musicworks 25, Summer 1983
  • Also a work for piano solo, Polytonality (1954,. Ber 1974), and several works in all categories, now withdrawn by the composer
  • Wolf Music (2003)[14]


  • Ezra Pound and Music (1961)
  • The Composer in the Classroom (1965)
  • Ear cleaning: Notes for an experimental music course (1967) ISBN 0-911320-90-3 – included in The Thinking Ear
  • The New Soundscape (1968)
  • The Book of Noise (1970)
  • When Words Sing (1970)
  • The Rhinoceros in the Classroom (1975)
  • E.T.A. Hoffmann and Music (1975) ISBN 0-8020-5310-6
  • Creative Music Education: A Handbook for the Modern Music Teacher (1976) ISBN 978-0-02-872330-3
  • Smoke : A Novel (1976) – reprinted as Ariadne (1985)
  • The Tuning of the World (The Soundscape) (1977) ISBN 978-0-394-40966-5, republished as The Soundscape (1994) ISBN 978-0-89281-455-8
  • Five Village Soundscapes (1977) – editor
  • Music in the Cold (1977)
  • The Chaldean Inscription (1978)
  • R. Murray Schafer: A Collection (1979)
  • The Sixteen Scribes (1981)
  • On Canadian Music (1984)
  • Dicamus et Labyrinthos: A Philologist's Notebook (1984)
  • The Thinking Ear: On Music Education (1986) OCLC 15722926
  • Patria and the Theatre of Confluence (1991) ISBN 1-895127-11-4
  • A Sound Education: 100 Exercises in Listening and Soundmaking (1992)
  • Voices of Tyranny: Temples of Silence: Studies and Reflections on the Contemporary Soundscape (1993)
  • Wolf Tracks (1997)
  • Patria: The Complete Cycle (2002)
  • Shadowgraphs and Legends (2004)
  • The Enchanted Forest (2005) book & CD
  • HearSing (2005)
  • A Little Sound Education (2009, 與今田匡彥合著,春秋社,東京) ISBN 978-4-393-93539-2





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