- John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave; (3X)
- His soul's marching on!
- (Chorus)
- Glory, halle—hallelujah! Glory, halle—hallelujah!
- Glory, halle—hallelujah! his soul's marching on!
- He's gone to be a soldier in the army of the Lord! (3X)
- His soul's marching on!
- (Chorus)
- John Brown's knapsack is strapped upon his back! (3X)
- His soul's marching on!
- (Chorus)
- His pet lambs will meet him on the way; (3X)
- They go marching on!
- (Chorus)
- They will hang Jeff Davis to a sour apple tree! (3X)
- As they march along!
- (Chorus)
- Now, three rousing cheers for the Union; (3X)
- As we are marching on!
William Weston Patton 所作:
- Old John Brown’s body lies moldering in the grave,
- While weep the sons of bondage whom he ventured all to save;
- But tho he lost his life while struggling for the slave,
- His soul is marching on.
- John Brown was a hero, undaunted, true and brave,
- And Kansas knows his valor when he fought her rights to save;
- Now, tho the grass grows green above his grave,
- His soul is marching on.
- He captured Harper’s Ferry, with his nineteen men so few,
- And frightened "Old Virginny" till she trembled thru and thru;
- They hung him for a traitor, they themselves the traitor crew,
- But his soul is marching on.
- John Brown was John the Baptist of the Christ we are to see,
- Christ who of the bondmen shall the Liberator be,
- And soon thruout the Sunny South the slaves shall all be free,
- For his soul is marching on.
- The conflict that he heralded he looks from heaven to view,
- On the army of the Union with its flag red, white and blue.
- And heaven shall ring with anthems o’er the deed they mean to do,
- For his soul is marching on.
- Ye soldiers of Freedom, then strike, while strike ye may,
- The death blow of oppression in a better time and way,
- For the dawn of old John Brown has brightened into day,
- And his soul is marching on.