-2000年 | ||||||
年 | 年間 | 1日平均 | ||||
上車 | 下車 | 上下車 | 來源 | 上車 | 上下車 | |
1986 | 無資料 | 249 | [5] | 無資料 | 1 | |
1987 | 無資料 | |||||
1988 | 無資料 | 794 | [5] | 無資料 | 2 | |
無資料 | ||||||
1992 | 12,511 | 23,772 | 36,283 | [6] | 34 | 99 |
1993 | 51,770 | 73,001 | 124,771 | [7] | 142 | 342 |
1994 | 69,126 | 77,948 | 147,074 | [8] | 189 | 403 |
1995 | 77,921 | 81,017 | 158,938 | [9] | 213 | 435 |
1996 | 88,087 | 87,873 | 175,960 | [10] | 241 | 481 |
1997 | 99,409 | 106,709 | 206,118 | [11] | 272 | 565 |
1998 | 104,453 | 121,018 | 225,471 | [12] | 286 | 618 |
1999 | 111,492 | 122,774 | 234,266 | [13] | 305 | 642 |
2000 | 129,583 | 145,726 | 275,309 | [14] | 355 | 754 |
2001年- | ||||||
年 | 年間 | 1日平均 | ||||
上車 | 下車 | 上下車 | 來源 | 上車 | 上下車 | |
2001 | 152,974 | 178,475 | 331,449 | [15] | 419 | 908 |
2002 | 150,735 | 205,902 | 356,637 | [16] | 413 | 977 |
2003 | 120,349 | 170,150 | 290,499 | [17] | 330 | 796 |
2004 | 119,679 | 171,155 | 290,834 | [18] | 327 | 795 |
2005 | 122,970 | 179,926 | 302,896 | [19] | 337 | 830 |
2006 | 130,587 | 183,123 | 313,710 | [20] | 358 | 859 |
2007 | 181,114 | 191,884 | 372,998 | 496 | 1,022 | |
2008 | 193,461 | 201,427 | 394,888 | 529 | 1,079 | |
2009 | 129,392 | 128,246 | 257,638 | 354 | 706 | |
2010 | 144,635 | 148,125 | 292,760 | [21] | 396 | 802 |
2011 | 178,888 | 176,579 | 355,467 | [22] | 490 | 974 |
2012 | 185,448 | 181,561 | 367,009 | [23] | 507 | 1,003 |
2013 | 190,374 | 191,631 | 382,005 | [24] | 522 | 1,047 |
2014 | 196,940 | 202,408 | 399,348 | [25] | 540 | 1,094 |
2015 | 211,740 | 222,245 | 433,985 | [26] | 580 | 1,189 |
2016 | 225,070 | 226,244 | 451,314 | [27] | 615 | 1,233 |
2017 | 234,419 | 238,413 | 472,832 | [28] | 642 | 1,295 |
2018 | 232,492 | 233,404 | 465,896 | [29] | 637 | 1,276 |
2019 | 233,697 | 234,562 | 468,259 | [30] | 640 | 1,283 |
2020 | 189,476 | 189,460 | 378,936 | [31] | 518 | 1,035 |
2021 | 160,889 | 158,421 | 319,310 | [32] | 441 | 875 |
2022 | 184,744 | 183,901 | 368,645 | [33] | 506 | 1,010 |
2023 | 234,936 | 232,939 | 467,875 | [34] | 644 | 1,282 |
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