阿卜杜拉在845年過世,由他兒子塔希爾· 伊本· 阿卜杜拉(英語:Tahir ibn Abdallah)繼任,後人對他的統治知之甚少,但受呼羅珊管理的錫斯坦,在他執政期間被叛軍所奪取。塔希爾· 伊本· 阿卜杜拉的兒子穆罕默德·伊本·塔希爾(英語:Muhammad ibn Tahir)繼任總督之後,由於他對國家事務的漫不經心,加上缺乏政治經驗,王朝的統治權力開始嚴重惡化。受呼羅珊管理的另一個地區 - 塔巴里斯坦,由於當地的苛政,導致人民起而抗暴,他們在864年宣佈轉而投向阿拉菲德王朝的建國者哈桑· 伊本· 宰德(英語:Hasan ibn Zayd)。[12]在呼羅珊,穆罕默德·伊本·塔希爾的政權變得越來越衰弱,他們最終於873年被薩法爾王朝所推翻,薩法爾王朝將呼羅珊併入,成為他們帝國的東部領土。
"The Taherids of Iraq. As the events of the late Taherid period demonstrate, the Taherids in Iraq were just about as powerful and important, even if less well known, than their Khorasani relatives. They regularly held positions as military commanders, heads of the security forces (ṣāheb al-šorṭa) for eastern and western Baghdad, and chief tax collectors or administrators (e.g., ʿāmel and moʿāwen) for the Sawād of Kufa."[9]
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Canfield, Robert L. Introduction: the Turko-Persian tradition. Canfield, Robert L. (編). Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. 1991.
Daftary, F. Sectarian and national movements in Iran, Khurasan and Transoxanial during Umayyad in early Abbasid times. History of Civilizations of Central Asia. Vol. IV. Motilal Banarsidass. 2003.
Daniel, Elton L. Taherids. Yarshater, Ehsan (編). Encyclopædia Iranica, Online Edition. New York: Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation. 2000.
Peacock, A. C. S. Mediaeval Islamic Historiography and Political Legitimacy: Balʿamī's Tārīkhnāma. London and New York: Routledge. 2007. ISBN 978-0-415-40025-1.