




2012年12月,日本著名鋼琴演奏家高橋AKI氏(日本最高文化藝術貢獻獎章「紫綬褒章」獲得者)在東京演奏了鋼琴獨奏曲「Hidden instincts for piano solo」

2014年3月,應邀出席了在羅馬尼亞著名的音樂劇場「Sala Radio Hall」舉行的「國際打擊樂器音樂祭」,日本著名演奏家上野信一等演奏了新曲目「Hyle α - melancholy for vibraphone and piano」[2]



2014年10月,深圳國際微電影藝術節在紐約聯合國總部舉行啟動儀式音樂總監。[4]中堀海都(Kaito Nakahori)指揮開幕曲《風林火山》和閉幕曲《小小的願望》。[5]



  • Aika for orchestra
  • 仙鄉的誘惑(2010)獲日本洗足現代音樂大獎賽A組(交響樂組)「優秀作品」及「洗足賞」


  • Cracked 2-1 - at northeast for wind orchestra(2011)
  • The front and the back
  • 風林火山
  • The Prince Of Thunder Clouds


  • Form α,β,γ for piano solo(2014)
  • Japanese Footbridge for koto and chamber ensemble(2014)
  • Cracked 5-3 - Miho label for Sho, Cello and percussion(2014)
  • Cracked 6-3 - Yaeyama Hirugi for clarinet and string quartet(2014)
  • Colors for 5 piano solo pieces(2014)
  • Hyle α - melancholy for vibraphone and piano(2014)
  • Bridge 1-2 - Summit of Mt. Fuji for chamber ensemble for chamber ensemble(2014)
  • Bridge 3 -New hole for clarinet and piano(2013)
  • Cracked 4-3 - another story for piano solo(2013)
  • Bridge 2 - Yamato Nadeshiko for clarinet quartet(2013)
  • Cracked 2-2 - Don't cry for viola solo
  • Cracked 5-2 - in the garden for flute and cello
  • Cracked 5-1 - in her mind to Fuji for saxophone solo
  • Face 1 for percussion ensemble(2013)
  • Hidden instincts for piano solo(2012)
  • Cent ESA for the right or left hand
  • Bridge 1-1 - TOKYO for contrabass and chamber orchestra(2012)
  • Deliberation 2 for cello solo
  • Cracked 4-2 for string quartet(2012)
  • Cracked 4-1 - minds for violin solo
  • Cracked 3 - in his dream for bass flute and guitar
  • dilemma 1 for bass clarinet solo
  • Cracked 1 - at riverside for violin and cello
  • frozen ocean for piano and violin
  • victims of the earthquake
  • it can't be helped... for guitar solo
  • Deliberation 1 for violin solo(2010)獲第十一屆TIAA全日本作曲家大獎賽「獎勵賞」
  • Fanfare ~to be continued


  • 水的顏色(2010)獲全日本第九屆弘前櫻之園作曲大獎賽「第3名」



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