File:Elliptic curve simple.svgImage:Elliptic_curve_simple.png licensed with GFDL 2005-08-14T03:17:39Z Giro720 200x243 (1711 Bytes) A no-frills picture of a nonsingular [[elliptic curve]]
File:Elliptic curve simple.pngFile:Elliptic curve simple.svg is a vector version of this file. It should be used in place of this PNG file when not inferior. File:Elliptic curve simple
File:English Botany or Coloured Figures of British Plants, with their Essential Characters, Synonyms, and Place of Growth. (Vol. XXVI) (IA dli.granth.14874).pdfmostly simple, erect,
leafy, round, glaucous, from one to two feet high. Radical
leaves obovate, spreading; those oh the stem alternate, elliptical, with
File:HyperText Markup Language book.pdftransparency.
Good for simple or flat colors, such as cartoons, such as logos.
Vector format with infinite resolution.
Great for logos and simple geometry.