Quick Facts 分佈地區, 美國 ...
歐洲人及其後代的居住范圍 |
美國 | 235,477,000[1][2] |
巴西 | 88,252,121[3][4] |
墨西哥 | 59,226,591[5] |
阿根廷 | 39,137,000[6] |
西伯利亞 | 33,210,040 |
加拿大 | 27,364,000[7] |
澳洲 | 21,800,000[8] |
哥倫比亞 | 21,500,000[9] |
委內瑞拉 | 13,169,000[10][11][12] |
智利 | 10,520,000[6] |
古巴 | 7,160,000[13] |
以色列 | 4,620,000[14][15][16] |
南非 | 4,504,252[17] |
哈薩克 | 4,172,601[18] |
新西蘭 | 3,372,708[19] |
哥斯達黎加 | 3,319,082[6] |
烏拉圭 | 3,101,095[20] |
秘魯 | 2,700,000[21] |
多米尼加 | 1,900,000[22] |
危地馬拉 | 1,780,000[23] |
巴拉圭 | 1,750,000[6] |
尼加拉瓜 | 1,100,000[24] |
薩爾瓦多 | 1,087,000[6] |
塞浦路斯 | 780,000[25] |
厄瓜多爾 | 883,000[26] |
波多黎各 | 560,592[27] |
玻利維亞 | 548,000[12] |
安哥拉 | 300,000[28] |
納米比亞 | 150,000+[29] |
洪都拉斯 | 120,000+[6] |
歐洲語言 |
主要為基督教[30] (大部分人信仰天主教會和新教, 一些人信仰東正教). 少部分人信仰伊斯蘭教以及猶太教. 無宗教 · 宗教 |
歐洲民族 |
1500年至20世紀中葉,至少有6000萬至6500萬人離開歐洲,大部分人主要在北美洲和南美洲定居[32] ,此外還有一些人移民至南非、澳大利亞[33]、新西蘭和西伯利亞[34] ,只有不到9%的歐洲人移民至加勒比地區、亞洲和非洲。 [35]
在北美、南美部分國家(例如美國、加拿大、阿根廷、烏拉圭)以及澳大利亞[33]、新西蘭和西伯利亞,歐洲人的繁殖速度遠超其他族群。因此在第一次世界大戰前夕,世界總人口中的38%都具有歐洲人血統。 [34]
Azevedo, Ana Laura Moura dos Santos. IBGE - Educa | Jovens. IBGE Educa Jovens. [2020-12-19]. (原始內容存檔於2024-06-07) (巴西葡萄牙語).
Ethnic groups. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). [14 September 2013]. (原始內容存檔於6 January 2019).
Cultural diversity. 2013 Census QuickStats about national highlights. Statistics New Zealand. 3 December 2013 [18 August 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-06) (New Zealand English).
Philip Jenkins, from "The Christian Revolution," in The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity, Oxford University Press, 2002.
The use of the term "diaspora" in reference to people of European national or ethnic origins is contested and debated- Bauböck, Rainer; Faist, Thomas. Diaspora and transnationalism : concepts, theories and methods. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 2010. ISBN 9789089642387. OCLC 657637171.
European Migration and Imperialism. historydoctor.net. [14 September 2013]. (原始內容存檔於22 November 2010). The population of Europe entered its third and decisive stage in the early eighteenth century. Birthrates declined, but death rates also declined as the standard of living and advances in medical science provided for longer life spans. The population of Europe including Russia more than doubled from 188 million in 1800 to 432 million in 1900. From 1815 through 1932, sixty million people left Europe, primarily to "areas of European settlement," in North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Siberia. These populations also multiplied rapidly in their new habitat; much more so than the populations of Africa and Asia. As a result, on the eve of World War I (1914), 38 percent of the world's total population was of European ancestry. This growth in population provided further impetus for European expansion, and became the driving force behind emigration. Rising populations put pressure on land, and land hunger and led to "land hunger." Millions of people went abroad in search of work or economic opportunity. The Irish, who left for America during the great Potato famine, were an extreme but not unique example. Ultimately, one third of all European migrants came from the British Isles between 1840 and 1920. 意大利人 also migrated in large numbers because of poor economic conditions in their home country. German migration also was steady until industrial conditions in 德國 improved when the wave of migration slowed. Less than one half of all migrants went to the United States, although it absorbed the largest number of European migrants. Others went to Asiatic Russia, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.