




# include <stdio.h>

int main()
 int arr[2] = { 1, 2 };
 int i=10;

 /* Write beyond the end of arr. Undefined behaviour in standard C, will write to i in some implementations. */
 arr[2] = 20;

 printf("element 0: %d \t", arr[0]); // outputs 1
 printf("element 1: %d \t", arr[1]); // outputs 2
 printf("element 2: %d \t", arr[2]); // outputs 20, if aliasing occurred
 printf("i: %d \t\t", i); // might also output 20, not 10, because of aliasing, but the compiler might have i stored in a register and print 10
 /* arr size is still 2. */
 printf("arr size: %d \n", (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int)));

在一些C語言的實現中,有可能會出現上述的結果,因為這些實現會為陣列安排一塊連續的記憶體,而陣列元素就是用陣列位置再位移陣列索引值乘以陣列元素大小,再進行間接定址。C語言沒有邊界檢查,因此陣列的存取可能會超過陣列範圍。上述的別名效果其實屬於未定義行為,有些實現方式會不會讓堆疊中的變數緊鄰陣列,例如,依其處理器的長度有對齊功能等。C語言標準沒有特別說明資料在記憶體中擺放的方式(ISO/IEC 9899:1999, section。



另一種程式語言中會出現的別名,是指用不同的變數(例如指標)參考同一個位置的記憶體。例如XOR交換演算法英語XOR swap algorithm,其引數是二個指標,函式會假設二個指標指向不同的位置。若二個指標的位置相同(或互為別名),程式可能會出現錯誤。對於接受指標作為引數的函式來說,這是常見的問題,是否允許二個指標互為別名,需要明確的說明,特別是在會在指標指向記憶區塊,進行複雜處理的函式。


Specified aliasing

Controlled aliasing behaviour may be desirable in some cases (that is, aliasing behaviour that is specified, unlike that enabled by memory layout in C). It is common practice in Fortran. The Perl programming language specifies, in some constructs, aliasing behaviour, such as in foreach loops. This allows certain data structures to be modified directly with less code. For example,

my @array = (1, 2, 3);

foreach my $element (@array) {
   # Increment $element, thus automatically
   # modifying @array, since $element is ''aliased''
   # to each of @array's elements in turn.

 print "@array \n";

will print out "2 3 4" as a result. If one wanted to bypass aliasing effects, one could copy the contents of the index variable into another and change the copy.


優化編譯器在存在指針時往往對變量做出保守假設。如常量傳播能否使用。代碼重排序(code reordering)也受別名的影響,這可能會改善指令調度或允許更多的循環優化英語loop optimization.

C語言C99標準,提出了嚴格別名規則(strict aliasing rule)見section 6.5, paragraph 7。指出使用不同類型的指針訪問同一內存位置是違規的。編譯器因而可以假定不同類型的指針不會是別名,這可能帶來性能的巨大提升。[1]一些著名項目,如Python 2違反了此規則。[2]Linux內核也解決了類似問題。[3] 使用gcc編譯選項-fno-strict-aliasing可關閉此規則。


  • 對象的動態類型
  • cv量化版本
  • signed或unsigned版本
  • 聚合類型(如struct、class)或union類型,包含此前所指的類型作為它的元素,或非靜態數據成員(包括遞歸嵌套類型)
  • 動態類型的基類型
  • char或unsigned
More information A2, A1 ...
A2 A1 A0 Memory location
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
1 0 0 4
1 0 1 5
1 1 0 6
1 1 1 7
More information A2, A1 ...
A2 A1 A0 Memory location
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 2
0 1 1 3


The term aliasing is also used to describe the situation where, due to either a hardware design choice or a hardware failure, one or more of the available address bits is not used in the memory selection process.[4] This may be a design decision if there are more address bits available than are necessary to support the installed memory device(s). In a failure, one or more address bits may be shorted together, or may be forced to ground (logic 0) or the supply voltage (logic 1).


For this example, we assume a memory design with 8 locations, requiring only 3 address lines (or bits) since 23 = 8). Address bits (named A2 through A0) are decoded to select unique memory locations as follows, in standard binary counter fashion:

In the table above, each of the 8 unique combinations of address bits selects a different memory location. However, if one address bit (say A2) were to be shorted to ground, the table would be modified as follows:

In this case, with A2 always being zero, the first four memory locations are duplicated and appear again as the second four. Memory locations 4 through 7 have become inaccessible.

If this change occurred to a different address bit, the decoding results would be different, but in general the effect would be the same: the loss of a single address bit cuts the available memory space in half, with resulting duplication (aliasing) of the remaining space.




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