侍女的故事》(英語:The Handmaid's Tale)是一本由加拿大女性作家瑪嘉烈·愛特伍[2][3] 於1985年所著的反烏托邦小說[1]。小說的標題呼應了喬叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)的組成方式,這是個故事集,由某某的故事組成,如「商人的故事」、「帕森的故事」等。[4] 小說續作《證詞》於2019年出版。

Quick Facts 侍女的故事, 原名 ...
原名The Handmaid's Tale
類型反烏托邦小說[1], 科學幻想, 推想小說
出版機構麥克萊蘭與斯圖爾特英語McClelland & Stewart
出版地點 加拿大
所獲獎項亞瑟·克拉克獎全國公共廣播電台百佳科幻奇幻小說[*]Governor General's Award for English-language fiction[*]洛杉磯時報書卷獎[*]Audie Award[*]


《侍女的故事》由兩部分組成,分別是夜晚和其他各種活動。 這部小說可以解釋為一個雙重敘事,侍女奧芙佛瑞德(Offred)的故事,以及侍女們的故事。 夜晚部分只是關於侍女奧芙佛瑞德;其他部分,如購物、候車室,家庭等,是描述每個侍女可能的生活的故事。

描述在不久的未來,美國因為戰亂及其他災禍而瓦解,極權主義基督教重建主義取而代之。在基利國英語Republic of Gilead,多數女性地位低落淪為雜役,少數仍具備生育能力的則被選為「侍女」(Handmaid)成為權貴(The Commander)的生產工具。這部小說探討了女性在征服中的主題以及獲得個人主義和獨立的各種手段。





  • Adami, Valentina. Bioethics Through Literature: Margaret Atwood's Cautionary Tales. Trier: WVT. 2011.
  • Atwood, Margaret. Bloom, Harold , 編. The Handmaid's Tale. Philadelphia: Chelsea House. 2001.
  • Cooper, Pamela. 'A Body Story with a Vengeance': Anatomy and Struggle in The Bell Jar and The Handmaid's Tale. Women's Studies. 1997, 26 (1): 89–123. doi:10.1080/00497878.1997.9979152.
  • Dopp, Jamie. Subject-Position as Victim-Position in The Handmaid's Tale. Studies in Canadian Literature. 1994, 19 (1): 43–57.
  • Gardner, Laurel J. Pornography as a Matter of Power in The Handmaid's Tale. Notes on Contemporary Literature. 1994, 24 (5): 5–7.
  • Garretts-Petts, WF. Reading, Writing and the Postmodern Condition: Interpreting Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. Open Letter. Seventh. 1988, I.
  • Geddes, Dan. Negative Utopia as Polemic: The Handmaid's Tale. The Satirist. January 2001 [2021-02-13]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-14).
  • Hammer, Stephanie Barbé. The World as It Will Be? Female Satire and the Technology of Power in The Handmaid's Tale. Modern Language Studies. 1990, XX (2): 39–49. JSTOR 3194826. doi:10.2307/3194826.
  • Malak, Amin. Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and the Dystopian Tradition. Canadian Literature. 1987, 112: 9–16.
  • McCarthy, Mary. No Headline: The Handmaid's Tale (Boston: Houghton Mifflin). The New York Times (review). 9 February 1986 [11 April 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2008-08-02).
  • Mohr, Dunja M., Worlds Apart: Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias, Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2005, 2005 Long chapter on The Handmaid's Tale as utopia and dystopia.
  • Myrsiades, Linda. Law, Medicine, and the Sex Slave in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. Myrsiades, Kostas; Myrsiades, Linda (編). Un-Disciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture. New York: Peter Lang. 1999: 219–45.
  • Stanners, Barbara; Stanners, Michael; Atwood, Margaret. Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. Top Notes Literature Guides. Seven Hills, NSW, Australia: Five Senses Education. 2004.
  • Tennant, Colette. Religion in The Handmaid's Tale: A Brief Guide. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. 2019. ISBN 9781506456317.



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