Chronic pancreatitis. [2022-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-28). When scarring of the pancreas occurs, the organ is no longer able to make the right amount of these enzymes. As a result, your body may be unable to digest fat and key elements of food. Damage to the parts of the pancreas that make insulin may lead to diabetes
What is chronic pancreatitis?. [2022-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-09). diabetes; upper abdominal pain that is frequently chronic and debilitating. Pain is the most common symptom of chronic pancreatitis. The pain may increase after drinking or eating and lessens when fasting or sitting and leaning forward. However, some people with chronic pancreatitis report little to no pain; from google (chronic pancreatitis smelly poop) result 1
Tolstrup, J. S.; Kristiansen, L.; Becker, U.; Grønbaek, M. Smoking and Risk of Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis Among Women and Men. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2009, 169 (6): 603–609. PMID 19307524. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2008.601.
American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement. American Gastroenterological Association Medical Position Statement: treatment of pain in chronic pancreatitis. Gastroenterology. 1998, 115 (3): 763–4. PMID 9721174. doi:10.1016/S0016-5085(98)70156-8.Template:Subscription or libraries|Available online 27 October 2005
Sikkens, E. C. M.; Cahen, D. L.; Kuipers, E. J.; Bruno, M. J. Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in chronic pancreatitis. Best Practice & Research. Clinical Gastroenterology. 2010-06-01, 24 (3): 337–347. ISSN 1532-1916. PMID 20510833. doi:10.1016/j.bpg.2010.03.006.Template:Subscription or libraries