西蒙·玻利瓦爾(Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Palacios,1783年7月24日-1830年12月17日),拉丁美洲革命家、軍事家、政治家、思想家,大哥倫比亞總統,委內瑞拉總統,秘魯總統,玻利維亞總統,領導了玻利維亞、哥倫比亞、厄瓜多爾、巴拿馬、秘魯和委內瑞拉取得獨立[20][21]
Harold Courtenay Armstrong, Grey Wolf, Mustafa Kemal: An Intimate Study of a Dictator (fifth cheap edition, July 1935), p. 37. "He cared nothing for the international aims and troubles of Jews. He cared less for the Masonic Ritual and spoke of it with contempt. He was a Turk, proud of being a Turk, and only interested in saving Turkey from the incompetence and despotism of the Sultan and the grasping hands of the foreigners." (「他對猶太人的國際目標和麻煩毫不關心。他更不關心共濟會的儀式,對其嗤之以鼻。他是一個土耳其人,以身為土耳其人而自豪,只想把土耳其從蘇丹的無能和專制以及外國人的魔掌中拯救出來。」)
In Memoriam (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), in the "Transactions of the Supreme Council of the 33d and last Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America", Scottish Rite (Masonic order), House of the Temple, 1893.
Scottish Rite (Masonic order). Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, "Gives $1,000,000 to Crippled Children", The New Age Magazine 36 (Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., 1928):56.