治療生物金屬(英语:Biometal (biology)) 鋰 鉀 鎂(英语:Magnesium (medical use)) 銅 非金屬 氧療 經皮連續氧療(英语:Transdermal continuous oxygen therapy) 氟療(英语:Fluoride therapy) 氣體治療(英语:Medical gas
諾孕曲明/炔雌醇Product information. Health Canada. 2018-06-21 [17 February 2020]. Evra transdermal patch - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC). (emc). 26 June 2020
CUMYL-PINACA(原始内容存档于2024-10-07). Dobaja M, Grenc D, Kozelj G, Brvar M. Occupational transdermal poisoning with synthetic cannabinoid cumyl-PINACA. Clinical Toxicology
注意力不足過動症AB, Perkins JS, González MA. Evolution of stimulants to treat ADHD: transdermal methylphenidate. Human Psychopharmacology. 2009-02, 24 (1): 1–17. PMC 2629554
妥布特罗Kondo R, Miyazaki J, Fukumokto K, Torigoe H. Clinical evaluation of a transdermal therapeutic system of the beta2-agonist tulobuterol in patients with