revealed towards the end of the Mecca period; some authorities (quoted by Suyuti) are even of the opinion that it is the very last Meccan revelation, but
aʿlām al-nubalāʾ, vol. 11, p. 236; Ibn Kathīr, al-Bidāya wa l-nihāya, vol. 10, p. 275-279; Ibn khaldūn. al-ʿIbar, vol. 2, p. 272; Suyūṭī, Tārīkh al-khulafāʾ
Mihak al-Nazar fi al-mantiq(逻辑中论理的试金石) al-Qistas al-mustaqim(正确的平衡) 法律学 Fatawy al-Ghazali(安薩里的法特瓦;教令) Al-wasit fi al-mathab(法学学校中的媒介) Kitab tahzib al-Isul(法理理论的修正)