(song))〉與〈Don't Speak(英语:Don't Speak)〉等單曲的突破專輯《悲慘王國》,其後亦推出收錄〈Hey Baby(英语:Hey Baby (No Doubt song))〉與〈It's My Life(英语:It's My Life (TalkTalk song)#No Doubt
name's Cloud. yes...Cloud. / Ramza: I'm Ramza. They're my friends.... / Cloud: I don't care about names. What I need is a battlefield. Yeah... that's it.
comments about it. Mackie said that love was the important idea in the episode, and that the crew spoke about "what it means for people to truly care about each
《琴聲引鳳(英语:My Love Came Back)》(My Love Came Back) 《說話過多的人(英语:The Man Who Talked Too Much)》(The Man Who Talked Too Much) 《Ladies Must Live》 《卡車鬥士(英语:They Drive
·坎通納那讓人摸不著頭腦的話:「海鷗跟隨漁船,是因為牠們認為漁夫會丟沙丁魚下海,非常感謝。」(When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank