克卜勒283c 恆星的適居帶內。克卜勒283c的表面溫度大約是238.5 K(−34.6 °C)。波多黎各大學阿雷西博分校(英语:University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo )的行星可居住性實驗室已不再將克卜勒283c收入該實驗室的適居系外行星目錄 NASA Exoplanet Archive
克卜勒1638b (原始内容存档于2017-05-11). HEC: Data of Potential Habitable Worlds. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo (英语:University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo ) (Planetary Habitability
葛利斯163c A Hot Potential Habitable Exoplanet around Gliese 163. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo (Planetary Habitability Laboratory). August 29, 2012 [September
KOI-494.01 2年4月25日,波多黎各大學阿雷西博分校(英语:University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo )的行星適居性實驗室發表了新的地球相似指數計算結果,KOI-494.01被移出潛在適居行星列表。 Current Number of Habitable Exoplanets: 16
葛利斯163 A Hot Potential Habitable Exoplanet around Gliese 163. University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo (Planetary Habitability Laboratory). August 29, 2012 [September