been used in the first modern English translation: R. M. Frazer, Jr. The TrojanWar: The Chronicles of Dictys of Crete and Dares the Phrygian (Bloomington:
Collapsed)》(1177B.C.:The Year Civilization Collapsed)以及入选牛津通识读本的《特洛伊战争》(The TrojanWar)、《聖經考古學》(Biblical Archaeology)等。 Eric H. Cline. Department of Classical
res」和「ab ovo」最早出於羅馬詩人賀拉斯著作《詩學》的第147至148行。他對史詩表示了以下意見: Nor does he begin the TrojanWar from the egg, but always he hurries to the action, and snatches the listener
(Coimbra). ISBN 978-1530337118 Burgess, Jonathan S., The Tradition of the TrojanWar in Homer and the Epic Cycle, The Johns Hopkins University Press, (2004)