Chung & Yang 2001,第302頁. Appleman 1990,第123頁. Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs 2010,第114頁. Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs 2006,第64頁.
Bath(英语:William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath) formed a short-lived ministry(英语:short-lived ministry). He was ultimately unsuccessful, and is not gradually included
仰光大金寺的钟 仰光火車站 仰光市政廳 緬甸最高法院 唐人街 聖三一大教堂 Third Regional EST Forum: Presentation of Myanmar (PDF). Singapore: Ministry of Transport, Myanmar. 17–19 March 2008
Politicians (1953) 網上版本 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) George Otto Trevelyan, George the Third and Charles Fox: The Concluding Part of the American Revolution. (1912)
2014]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-24). Dale, Reginald. THINKING AHEAD/Commentary : Is Blair Leading a Continental Drift?. New York Times. 6 May 1997 [13 October 2007]