音系學 Halle) 代表作:《英語音型(英语:The Sound Pattern of English )》(SPE-1968) 對古典主義音系學和區別特徵理論進行批判和繼承 以英語音型(英语:The Sound Pattern of English )為基礎提出「語音潛在表達式理論」,是現代語音學的誕生標誌
優選理論 phonology)(Autosegmental phonology)及線性音韻學(英语:The Sound Pattern of English )(SPE)等理論通常以規則(rules)描述而非限制(constraints)。優選理論將語法規則(grammars)模
開後圓唇元音Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2004, 34 (1): 105–109, doi:10.1017/S0025100304001550 Vago, Robert M., The Sound Pattern of Hungarian
中後圓唇元音 Loporcaro, Michele, The sound pattern of Standard Italian, as compared with the varieties spoken in Florence, Milan and Rome (PDF), Journal of the International
清齒齦擦音 The Phonology of Danish, 2005, ISBN 0-203-97876-5 Bertinetto, Marco; Loporcaro, Michele, The sound pattern of Standard Italian, as compared with the