阿爾吉爾達斯·克利馬蒂斯(原始内容存档于2012-10-26) (立陶宛语). Gitelman, Zvi. Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR. Indiana University Press. 1998: 97, 102 [2021-07-30]. ISBN 0-253-33359-8
考那斯反猶騷亂Holocaust in Lithuania. Gitelman, Zvi (编). Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR. Indiana University Press. 1998: 97 [2021-07-30]. ISBN 0-253-33359-8
立陶宛猶太人大屠殺1177/0888325419844820. Gitelman, Zvi. Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR. Indiana University Press. 1998: 97, 102 [2021-07-29]. ISBN 0-253-33359-8
葉格報告(PDF)于2020-04-06). Gitelman, Zvi Y. Bitter Legacy: Confronting the Holocaust in the USSR. Indiana University Press. 1997: 103. ISBN 9780253333599. Excerpt
骷髅总队 Niewyk, Donald L.; Nicosia, Francis R. USSR and the Einsatzgruppen. The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust (Columbia University Press). 2012 [2020-06-14]