《黑獄風雲》Murder in the First 提名美國演員工會獎最佳男配角 1995 《雪地靈犬》Balto 1995 《阿波羅13號》Apollo 13 1994 《驚濤駭浪》The River Wild 提名金球獎最佳電影男配角 1994 《灌籃好手》TheAirUpThere 1992 《軍官與魔鬼》A
Fortune福地 The Reel环绕 Always There守候一生(永驻,演唱:Russell Watson) When Darkness Fall夜幕降临 Sleepsong睡曲(演唱:Saoirse) Lotus莲花 Searching For The Past寻找过去 Silence Speaks柔声细语
Air Division, Misawa Air Base, Japan. The unusual thing about the 45 TRS was that while most of the squadron's assets were in Southeast Asia, there was
2016年7月3日於幕張メッセ舉辦的巡迴演唱會「AAA ARENA TOUR 2016 -LEAP OVER-」的影像。 OPENING I'll be there 「AAA 10th ANNIVERSARY Documentary ~Road of 10th ANNIVERSARY~」之後的首次影像化。 Sorry