斯大林在命令的批示里宣称:“没有俄国战俘,只有叛徒。” 第227号命令 Soviet reprisals against former POWs(英语:Extermination ofSovietprisonersofwar by Nazi Germany#Soviet reprisals against former
列寧格勒包圍戰的影響(英语:Effect of siege on Leningrad) 納粹德國對蘇聯戰俘的暴行(英语:German mistreatment ofSovietprisonersofwar) 納粹大屠殺 最终解决方案 「生存空間」 德意志國防軍的暴行(英语:War crimes of the Wehrmacht)
(原始内容存档于2018-06-30). For Estonia, World War II did not end, de facto, until 31 August 1994, with the final withdrawal of former Soviet troops from Estonian soil.
Magnitude of What Happened. The Heritage Foundation. [2022-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-25) (英语). SovietPrisonersofWar: Forgotten Nazi Victims of World War II