In Different Places, (proceedings) 17th Annual National Hurricane Conference, Atlantic City, N.J.). 1995: 10–50. 引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助) Jarvinen, B.R.;
Management Solar aspect angle(英语:Solar aspect angle), in spaceflight 南大西洋異常區(SouthAtlantic Anomaly) Space Act Agreement(英语:Space Act Agreement) Stabilisation and
密苏里山谷美式足球联盟(英语:Missouri Valley Football Conference) 先锋美式足球联盟(英语:Pioneer Football League) 大西洋冰球联盟(英语:Atlantic Hockey) 美国高校冰球联盟(英语:College Hockey America)
The First SouthAtlantic Hurricane and its Association with Vertical Wind Shear and High Latitude Blocking (PDF). 8th International Conference on Southern