聖經研究 of Biblical Studies)定義了一系列不同及獨立的規則以研究聖經及古獻。這些規則包括但不限於考古學、埃及學、文學批評、語言學, 歷史學、社會學及神學。 一些學術團體正促進聖經研究的領域,當中最大的團體是(聖經文學學會(英语:Society of Biblical Literature )),在超過80個國家和地區擁有約8
拔示巴 (热罗姆)(eds.). The Art of Biblical Interpretation: Visual Portrayals of Scriptural Narratives. Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature . p. 20. Hering, Fanny
耶路撒冷圣经动物园go biblical in Jerusalem. Haaretz. 1 April 2011 [22 October 2011]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-29). Greenbaum, Avraham. The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo. Society of Biblical
厄忒俄克勒斯Myth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993. Hoffner, Beckman. Letters from the Hittite Kingdom. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature , 2009.
短劍黨 and Historical Observations. Early Judaism and Its Literature , 27. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature . 2009. ISBN 9781589834064. OCLC 758719597.