麗莎·南迪Nandy,1979年8月9日—),英國政治人物,自2020年起擔任影子外交及聯邦事務大臣(英语:Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ),2015年當選威根選區國會議員並連任至今。 2020年參選工黨領袖選舉(英语:2020
2015年英國大選Black),击败了工党影子外交及聯邦事務大臣(英语:Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs )道格拉斯·亚历山大(Douglas Alexander),成功当选佩斯利与南伦弗鲁郡(Paisley and Renfrewshire
第二次約翰遜內閣@DominicRaab has been appointed Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs @foreignoffice, and First Secretary of State (推文). 2019-07-24 [2019-07-24]
施紀賢影子內閣Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy)丽贝卡·隆-贝利,因不滿黨魁郝爾彬而於2016年6月(英语:June 2016 British shadow cabinet
麻薩諸塞州Massachusetts Facts. Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [2015-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-14). Cod: Massachusetts State Fish. State SymbolsUSA.org.