Markham,寫道"瓜分威尼斯於和約中既是個道德污點,更讓奧地利得以插足意大利,而此舉只會引致更多戰爭。"("the partition of Venice was not only a moral blot on the peace settlement but left Austria a foothold in Italy, which
呂內維爾條約表示簽約雙方"應當自此、從今以後,和平、友好及良好理解"("there shall be, henceforth and forever, peace, amity, and good understanding")。條約規定奧地利須要履行早前坎波福爾米奧條約之決定。法國控制延伸至萊茵河左岸,
Liberté, égalité, fraternité stands for peace country and war, Nora, Pierre (编), Lieux de Mémoire [Places of memory], tome III, Quarto Gallimard: 4353–89