安克島 南島上,峽灣國家公園內達斯奇峽灣(Dusky Sound)上的一個島嶼,佔地1380公頃。 目前由紐西蘭保育部(New Zealand Department of Conservation )全權管理,以作為紐西蘭原生鳥類的保育中心,如鞍背鴉等特有種。這島嶼也是紐西蘭另一特有種鴞鸚鵡四個僅餘下的分佈點之一。
DOC (消歧義) Halladay),生於1977年,棒球運動員 受孕日期(Date of Conception) 紐西蘭保育部(英语:Department of Conservation (New Zealand ))(Department of Conservation |Department of Conservation ) 美國商務部(United States
极光滑跖蟾 Germano, Jennifer. Conservation status of New Zealand amphibians, 2017 (PDF). Wellington, New Zealand : Department of Conservation . August 2018: 5 [2023-06-29]
大西洋黑白海豚estimate. New Zealand Department of Conservation . [2012-03-13]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-01). National Audubon Society: Guide to Marine Mammals of the World ISBN
马氏滑跖蟾Germano, Jennifer. Conservation status of New Zealand amphibians, 2017 (PDF). Wellington, New Zealand : Department of Conservation . August 2018: 5 [2023-06-29]